Stonewall Roland Emmerich Featured

BGM Episode 106: Stonewall presents:
Bad Gay Movies
– A podcast where hosts, Bil Antoniou, Daniel Krolik and Michael Soulard, explore the best of the worst in LGBT cinema!

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, and that’s not something we take lightly!  Roland Emmerich does, though, since he made a movie in which five days of rioting is turned into a quick skirmish outside a bar before catching the last train home, and thank god for the white guys who were there to make it happen! Dan and Bil were joined by our beloved special guest Ryan G. Hinds for a look at Stonewall by Roland Emmerich

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Promo photos by Michael Sheffer.

Musical theme by The Chronos Band.

Catch up on previous episodes HERE
