The new season of Doctor Who begins in a little over two weeks on April 23. I don’t think I’ve quivered with this much anticipation since the new series began five or so years ago. I went into the last season with mixed feelings. I had full confidence in new head writer Stephen Moffat, but was worried about the loss of David Tennant. All I can say now is, David who (yes, pun intended)? Matt Smith brings a wry humour, energy and more delicious darkness to the Doctor, and he is more than matched by Karen Gillan as his sexy and intrepid companion Amy/Amelia. They are now by far the best pairing. And while I sometimes miss just having the two of them share the screen, the additions of extra companions Rory and River Song work very nicely. The trailer offers a few clues to upcoming episodes.
Doctor Who Season (Series) 6 begins April 23 on SPACE, BBC and BBC America