Geek Nerd Dork - J.M. Frey, Gavin Stephens, Jeff Brown

Geek Nerd Dork Episode 1


As fans of this site may have noticed, our podcasts are not as frequent as they could be. Of course this has nothing to do with you fine listeners, the truth of the matter is that recording a podcast usually takes a backseat to our other coverage. Schedules need to be aligned, people must be wrangled, and sadly it just doesn’t always work out. We will of course continue to produce the fantastic — if we do say so ourselves — Dork Shelf Podcast, but in the mean time we have a real treat for you.

Our own Jeff Brown has joined with comedian and writer Gavin Stephens from NERDGASM Comedy, and author, fanthropologist J.M. Frey from the GeekU Podcast to form a new team: GeekNerdDork — an Alpha Flight to the Shelf’s X-Men if you will. Gavin, J.M. and Jeff will gather weekly (Yes, we’re putting that in writing) to discuss all the latest geeky, nerdy and dorky happenings in the world of fandom.

Download: GeekNerdDork Cast – Episode 1 (91 MB, MP3, 1:06:36)
GeekNerdDork RSS Feed

Listen: [podcast][/podcast]

Big thanks to our friend DJ FINISH HIM for providing the title track to the podcast.
You can hear more of his music here.

Let us know what you think and be sure to follow the new podcast on twitter @G33KN3RDD0RK.
