Final Wolverine Trailer


USA Today has posted the final theatrical trailer for the Wolverine movie a day early.  X-Men Origins: Wolverine stars Hugh Jackman as the titular mutant and opens May 1st.

Update: Now with postage stamp-sized embedded video goodness!  Hit the full screen button to make it bigger.

Wolverine Trailer @ USA Today

While the involvement of Tsotsi director Gavin Hood intrigues me, the constant reshoots that have plagued the production do not bode well. The movie features Canadian Ryan Reynolds in the role he was born to play: Deadpool—arguably the only semi-good character ever to be created by Rob Liefeld(Yeah, that’s right… screw Young Blood). As for the rest of the casting, it seems hit or miss: Liev Schreiber has the chops both of the acting and mutton variety to pull off Sabertooth, but then you have of Black Eyed Peas fame as Kestrel and former male model Taylor Kitsch as Gambit. This movie could go either way, but I just can’t say no to Wolverine so for now I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt.
