Geek Hard Podcast: Episode 300

LIVE Friday nights @7pm on RealityRadio 101

We discuss The Dark Tower casting of Idris Elba as Roland Deschain and Matthew McConaughey as Walter Padick. Big Hero 6 coming to the small screens with the return of Baymax. A renewed Agents of SHIELD for season 4. The return of Joss Whedon and John Cassaday return to a one off special to celebrate Captain America 75th anniversary. Charity event Grok Spock 2 at the Tranzac Room. The controversy around the ECCC Sunday passes depicting an image from Image Comics upcoming series The Discipline.

We talk with Leslie Hudson about her upcoming album releases, she has 3 coming out in 2016. The first The Wanderlings Volume Two is already out now. While the other two include The Redhead League, all about female red-headed super heroes coming this spring. And finally Yeoman on the Bridge a collection of Star Trek themed songs coming out later in the year.

Our review of Zootopia starring Ginnifer GoodwinJason Bateman and Idris Elba. Synopsis: From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. When Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) becomes the first rabbit to join the police force, she quickly learns how tough it is to enforce the law. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the opportunity to solve a mysterious case. Unfortunately, that means working with Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman), a wily fox who makes her job even harder.

We also talk with James Armstrong Event and Programming Coordinator for the Toronto ComiCon at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre running March 18-20. He’s back to talk again about all the great guests like comic legends Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Rob Liefeld. But of course the show isn’t just about comics there will be celebrities on hand for fans to meet such as Jason Issacs, Robbie Amell and Jonathan Frakes. It’s always fun to talk with James about the shows many great guests but also have some fun with him as well.

It was a great show!

Originally Aired: 03/04/16

If you’re gonna geek out, GEEK HARD!

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