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Geek Nerd Dork Episode 17

The Jammers and the Slammers

Dork Shelf Presents GeekNerdDork

In the thriling conclusion of Wednesday’s show, we are again joined by members of the Toronto Roller Derby. The gang discusses the dynamics of the sport of derby, the origins of the derby girl, and the common nerdom we share.

Download: GeekNerdDork Cast – Episode 17 (56.3 MB, MP3, 1:21:50)
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If you’re in town this Sunday, March 6th at 7:00 pm be sure to join us at the Underground Comedy Club for our first live pod-o-rama! Nerds with Guitars will be performing, we’ll have stand-up comedians and of course a live recording of the podcast with guest host Katherine Curtis of Naked News fame. And if that’s not enough, we also have prizes for those in attendance! More info on the event here.

Send any and all feedback, questions, suggestions and/or complaints to our email address: [email protected]

Big thanks to our friend DJ FINISH HIM for providing the title track to the podcast.
You can hear more of his music here.

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