This book is ridiculous. Unabashedly so. And that’s what makes it such a fun read. What happens when you mix a sassy, incredibly random ass-kicking woman and a giant white gorilla with puppy dog eyes? You get GoGetters by writer Shawn Aldridge (who does double duty lettering the book as well), artist Christopher Peterson and colourist Nick Johnson. Maya Diaz is the gal in question and George Harrison is the white gorilla (not to be confused with the Beatle) who do retrieval jobs for cash when it piques their interest. While travelling in a bright orange dune buggy. It’s ridiculous, but it absolutely works. GoGetters is a blast, with lots of unexpected moments and enough mystery to get me coming back for more issues.
Peterson’s art switches easily between pin-up style panels and raucous action, using some great visual tricks to accentuate punchlines in the dialogue. His line work is simple but with just enough details to get some wonderful expressions from every character. Diaz is sexy as all get out but never gratuitously so: she looks tough, relentless but with an almost contradictory air of whimsy that makes the gorilla sidekick just make sense. Johnson’s punchy colours bring Peterson’s art to life, and effortlessly set the tone for each scene. I really enjoyed the way Aldridge punctuates dialogue, sound effects and texting with distinctive font choices. Even George Harrison (always the full name, never just George) has his own unique “Oooooo” throughout the book. It’s a subtle touch that adds to the mood of the story.
There are lots of comics on stands today that aren’t as much fun as GoGetters, and at only $0.99 on Comixology, it’s definitely the best gorilla bang for your buck.
GoGetters is available online February 19th. Check out their Tumblr for updates.