Star Trek: Picard release date

Highly Logical Episode 030: Star Trek: Picard “The End is the Beginning” / “Absolute Candor”

Topics include: Picard as an aloof mentor; class strife in the future; objects, books, and ephemera; and Romulan lore presents:
Highly Logical
– A podcast dedicated to charting the social, political, and philosophical issues that Star Trek explores.

In episode 30, Angelo and Nicole break down “The End is the Beginning” and “Absolute Candor,” episodes 3 and 4 of Star Trek: Picard. Topics include: Picard as an aloof mentor; class strife in the future; objects, books, and ephemera; and Romulan lore


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Highly Logical: @LogicalPod | Angelo: @amuredda | Nicole: @kneekeypea

Catch up on previous episodes here
