Video: Game of Thrones Episode 5.2 Recap

Arya returns! Braavos revealed! Jaime and Bronn start a buddy cop comedy! #PounceWatch2015! Watch our video recap of season 5 episode 2 – “The House of Black and White” – with contributors Elena and Peter.

Vortex 2010 Videogame Conference & Competition Bootcamp

Boot Camp is a series of sessions specifically designed for emerging entrepreneurs in the game industry. It exists to provide them with information and guidance to make their product ready for successful in the marketplace. Delegates will have the opportunity to learn from real Ontario game developers, who will be speaking about the process of bringing a game to market, and to participate in Q&A sessions where they will be able to directly ask questions. Delegates will also participate in a series of sessions specifically designed for emerging entrepreneurs in the game industry to provide information and guidance to help them led by industry experts, receive invaluable information and insights on how to excel in business.

Eternals Video Review

Oscar-winning director Chloé Zhao brings us Eternals, an underwhelming blockbuster that takes itself and its dour characters too seriously.

Free Guy Video Review

Jason Gorber with a look at the latest romp from Ryan Reynolds in the video game world of FREE GUY.

This Potential Seinfeld Game Needs To Happen

What’s the deal with no Seinfeld video game ever being released? I hope you read that opener in Jerry’s voice because it’s how I intended it to sound. This unofficial pitch for a Seinfeld game is making waves across the internet and f…