Agnes Garbowska

Ladies Make Comics Too: Agnes Garbowska

A queen of the comic convention circuit, Agnes Garbowska is an incredibly talented (and exceptionally sweet) creator of some of the cutest comics around. We got the chance to chat with Agnes at Fan Expo 2013, and asked her about her love of comics, and what it's like as a female transitioning from indie to mainstream comics.

Free Comic Book Day – May 4th

If Halloween is nerd Christmas for cosplay reasons, Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May 4th is the non-denominational, equal opportunity Holiday party — complete with Secret Santas.

Art-O-Bot: Hughes, Wegener, Garbowska

Art-O-Bot is a continuing series of profiles on local, established, and up-and-coming comic artists. This week we are proud to bring you Adam Hughes, Scott Wegener, and Agnes Garbowska. Adam Hughes Hughes is one of the comic book world’s most celebrated cover artists.  This is not to say he doesn’t know how to tell a […]