Ai Weiwei: The Fake Case

This Week at The Bloor: 5/16/14

This week's batch of docs at The Bloor includes looks at one of the world's most powerful artists in Ai Weiwei: The Fake Case, one of the world's most influential jazz critics and divisive libertarian pundits in The Pleasures of Being Out of Step, and one of rock's most infamous and inspiring cultural catastrophes in Rock and Roll's Greatest Failure: Otway the Movie.

Interview: Andreas Johnsen

We talk with Andreas Johnsen, the Danish director of the documentary Ai Weiwei: The Fake Case about chronicling the post prison life of one of the world's most revered and influential artists, being allowed into Ai Weiwei’s inner circle, the various ways the artist tested his resolve as a filmmaker, and what he learned about Weiwei and his current situation.

The Dork Shelf Guide to Hot Docs 2014

The 21st annual Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival is upon us - running Thursday, April 24th to Sunday, May 4th - and here's your one stop shop for all of our reviews, interviews, features, and festivities from the largest festival of its kind in North America.

Hot Docs 2014: Ai Weiwei: The Fake Case Review

Ai Weiwei: The Fake Case Made in Denmark A fleet and funny look at a man under house arrest who has been deemed the most influential artist in the world, Andreas Johnsen’s look at the post-arrest and home imprisonment life of Chinese firebrand Ai Weiwei serves as a near perfect follow up to Alison Klayman’s […]

53 Hot Tickets at Hot Docs 2014

We asked an assortment of 50 people - film writers, filmmakers, professors, film programmers, and patrons - to give us their top picks for this year's Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival and here are the 53 front runners for this year's must see films.