Call of Duty
Last year, Overwatch was being tipped to launch the world of eSport into the mainstream consciousness. As events have panned out, established games such as League of Legends, Call of Duty, Dota 2 and CS:GO have remained the highest profile in the eSports world. However, the list of games that are garnering competitive leagues is […]
Call of Duty: WWII has a Nazi Problem
Sledgehammer still needs to grapple with gaming's toxic culture and the uncomfortable history of WWII.
Royalty Claims Toronto Call of Duty Championship
Matt Faithfull advances to the final round of Cineplex's World Gaming Canadian Championships.
The Roundup Episode #5 – Sam Maggs
In this post-San Diego Comic Con episode we invite special friend and co-host Sam Maggs to fangirl over hot dudes and superheroes with us!
Thought Bubble: The Diverse New E3 Horizon
E3 still loves a good military shooter, but 2015 gave us a glimpse at a more diverse gaming future.
How’d We Do With Our E3 Predictions?
What's that? E3 is next week? Oh well. We still stand behind every one of these foolproof predictions.
The 6 People You Meet in Advanced Warfare Party Chat
These are the meaningful personal connections you make when you first venture into the world of party chat in Call of Duty.
Battlefield: Hardline Review: Sins of Abstraction
Battlefield: Hardline demonstrates that certain gameplay mechanics don't belong in certain settings.
The WhaleCast Episode 13
Eric and Jon talk OlliOlli 2 and Battlefield: Hardline in Episode 13 of the WhaleCast.
Thought Bubble: Gaming’s Uncharted Problem
The lack of good sales data needlessly clouds the relationship between publishers and consumers.
Thought Bubble: Battlefield Ferguson
On the troubling visual similarities between real violence and its simulated counterpart.
Thought Bubble: Gaming’s Core Female Demographic
The ESA's annual report emphatically disproves the notion that women don't play games.
Thought Bubble: The Wii U and the Trouble with Triple-A
The Wii U has finally arrived. Now that the first reviews are trickling in, we want to explore what the first crop of games tell us about the Wii U’s potential as a hardcore and mainstream gaming platform.
Cardboard Boot Camp: Analogue Video Games
By asking his students to create analogue versions of video games, OCAD instructor and indie game developer Benjamin Rivers forced them to look at games from a designer’s perspective rather than a player’s. See the results after the jump.
Interview: PlayStation Canada’s Matt Levitan
We spoke with Matt Levitan, director of marketing and public relations for PlayStation Canada, about Sony’s strategy for the upcoming holiday season.