Cary Fukunaga
To celebrate 007's arrival on 4K, Blu-ray and DVD, That Shelf wants to give one lucky reader a NO TIME TO DIE Limited Edition 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray Premium Gift Set!
CONTEST: See an Advance Screening of NO TIME TO DIE!
To celebrate James Bond's return, That Shelf wants to send you and a friend (in Toronto or Montreal) to see No Time to Die before anyone else.
TIFF 2015 Trailers: Special Presentations
Here are trailers and clips for films in the TIFF Special Presentations programme.
TIFF 2015: Beasts of No Nation Trailer
Watch the harrowing first trailer for True Detective director Cary Fukunaga's Beasts of No Nation starring Idris Elba.
You Should Be Watching: 5 Miniseries to Fill the True Detective Void
Going through True Detective withdrawal? Good news! To help get you through this rough time, we’ve compiled a list of five miniseries to fill that empty spot in your heart with.
True Detective Episode 1.5 Recap
Episode five takes True Detective's idea of temporal play and turns it into yet another aspect of horror that the show’s been so adept at delivering, delving into existential time-space contemplations and having its characters relive the nightmares contained in their lives.
True Detective Episode 1.4 Recap
True Detective has become like H.P. Lovecraft framed through the window of an all Bunk and McNulty version of The Wire: exploring ideas of faith, madness, brutality and obsessive self-destruction read with the cop-speak language that TV has made us experts in through decades of crime dramas and police procedurals.
True Detective Episode 1.3 Recap
This week’s installment of True Detective certainly saves its two biggest developments for the end (including one heck of a cliffhanger) and does a great job of casting doubt upon Marty and Rust’s abilities to do their jobs effectively.
True Detective Episode 1.2 Recap
By the close of the second episode of HBO’s True Detective, it seems like the stinger to each installment will be to remind the audience that there’s an actual overarching case that needs to be solved and not just an almost painfully intimate portrait of two men that are slowly breaking down. Then again, “Seeing Things” tends to suggest that the very case and how it ultimately turns out will ultimately come down to the personalities of the people trying to solve it rather than the particulars.
True Detective Episode 1.1 Recap
Our Film Editor jumps over to the TV side for several weeks to start our weekly recaps of the new (and very much worth watching) HBO series True Detective, starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. What went down this week and what do we think of the first episode and where it's headed? Check it out! (Warning: Spoilers)