Charlotte Cornfield

Canadian Music Week 2011: Free Events Preview

Every year, Canadian Music Week takes over Toronto, letting 800 bands take over 55 different venues over five nights. It’s really fun chaos. This year’s fest starts on Wednesday, March 9th. So as you’re unlikely to go buy a $75 wristband at this point, it’s in Dork Shelf’s best and wonderfully cheap interests to tell you about the great, free portions of the festival.

December Monthly Music

It’s the end of 2010! Holy crap! Music has been really wicked this year, but you know what, we here at Dork Shelf are kind of glad we’re on to the next round. We're excited for a fresh wave of newly made-up genres and themes. While this year held Kanye, teenage dreams, The Suburbs and more in priority, next year could have much more west coast chillwave bands, danceable Brit Pop and hopefully a lot more interesting local Toronto bands (wink).

July Monthly Music

So, did anyone make it out to North by Northeast (NXNE)? If you did, what did you think? Suffering from concert and new band withdrawal? Well, Monthly Music is back to remedy just that with some exciting music to pump up your summer. So, without further adieu… Three Toronto bands you should know by now: […]