Chrono Trigger

Top 10: Chrono Trigger Theme Park

We all remember those halcyon days spent playing the Squaresoft classic Chrono Trigger on our Super Nintendos, and so to does the executive board of Kobayashi-Nielson Enterprises. It was with that nostalgia in mind that the controversial weapons manufacturer announced plans to open a Chrono Trigger Theme Park in 2003. Presenting the top ten reasons supporting a Chrono Trigger Theme Park!

Interview: Nobuo Uematsu, Arnie Roth & Distant Worlds

One November night, fans gathered at the ex-Hummingbird, now Sony Centre, simply to share in the presence of Nobuo Uematsu. Titled Distant Worlds: The Music of Final Fantasy, a full orchestra presented material by the legendary Uematsu, conducted by Grammy winner Arnie Roth.