The sci-fi fantasy anthology The Dungeonmaster (aka Ragewar) is the first film that can truly be called an Empire Pictures picture.
No-Budget Nightmares #84 – 555
It’s episode 84 of No-Budget Nightmares and we’re doing another Patreon Special: 555!
No-Budget Nightmares #83 – My Lovely Burnt Brother and His Squashed Brain
It's episode 83 of No-Budget Nightmares and this time we're heading to Italy, renowned for its black gloved killers, expensive wines, and My Lovely Burnt Brother and His Squashed Brain!
Conquering the Empire – Crash! (1976)
Doug Tilley's examination of the birth and life of Empire International Pictures begins with a look at the 1976 possessed car movie CRASH!
Play Dead Episode 10: Scott Benson
Gabby discusses death in Night in the Woods with game developer and artist Scott Benson.
Play Dead Episode 9: Pippin Barr
Gabby discusses purposefulness and permadeath speed runs with game developer Pippin Barr.
Play Dead Episode 8: Aaron Leighton and Linda Hochstetler
Gabby discusses death in children's media with social worker Linda Hochstetler and Sago Sago Art Director Aaron Leighton.
Play Dead Episode 7: Alex Zandra Van Chestein
Gabby discusses the death-centric game One Last Cup with Ikonoclast designer Alex Zandra Van Chestein.
Play Dead Episode 4: Lucas Pope
Gabby and Lucas discuss Return of the Obra Dinna and how indie developers are changing death in video games.
Play Dead Episode 3: Benjamin Rivers
Gabby sits down with Benjamin Rivers to discuss common death tropes and the way Ben uses death in his games Home and Alone With You.
Play Dead Episode 2: Kara Stone
On this week's PlayDead, Gabby is joined by Kara Stone as they discuss her newest game and the way subjects like suicide are treated in game development.
The Walking Dead Episode 6.9:
Be Like The Zombie
The Walking Dead is best watched like a zombie.
Play Dead Episode 1: Augusto ‘Cuxo’ Quijano
On the first episode of PlayDead, host Gabby DaRienzo sits down with Augusto Quijano to discuss the significance of death in Mexican culture and Drinkbox's Guacamelee!
The Walking Dead: Do We Want TV Death to Matter?
As we wait for answers about a major character death on The Walking Dead is it becoming clear that we're tired of permanent death on TV?
This Time it’s Permanent: The Art of Death in Modern Games
Most games use checkpoints to remind you that your last death didn't happen. These are the games where dying matters.