The Sims 4: StrangerVille turns the creepiness dial all the way up.
The Frozen Wilds Is Better Without Microtransactions
Microtransactions and loot boxes have made video games far less immersive.
Seven Reasons to Consider Buying an Xbox One
Despite the slow start, there are still plenty of reasons to add the Microsoft console to your collection.
What’s this Last Guardian Game Everyone is Talking About?
What it's like to discover a game that everyone else has been anticipating since 2009?
The WhaleCast Episode 25
Just how bad are Eric and Jon's belated E3 predictions? Listen in as they pioneer new ways of being wrong.
How’d We Do With Our E3 Predictions?
What's that? E3 is next week? Oh well. We still stand behind every one of these foolproof predictions.
Battlefield: Hardline Review: Sins of Abstraction
Battlefield: Hardline demonstrates that certain gameplay mechanics don't belong in certain settings.
The WhaleCast Episode 13
Eric and Jon talk OlliOlli 2 and Battlefield: Hardline in Episode 13 of the WhaleCast.
Thought Bubble: The Missing People of Battlefield: Hardline
Battlefield: Hardline isn't harmless when it goes to such violent lengths to erase human empathy.
The WhaleCast Episode 11
Eric and Jon talk Mirror's Edge, Firewatch, and GDC on the latest episode of the WhaleCast.
The WhaleCast Episode 3
Eric and Jon talk about Super Time Force and Dragon Age: Inquisition in the latest WhaleCast.
The Search for a CFL Video Game
Why is it so hard to find a decent simulation of the Grey Cup?
Thought Bubble: Stop Chasing the Dragon (Age)
Bigger is not always better when it comes to entertainment.
Thought Bubble: Battlefield Ferguson
On the troubling visual similarities between real violence and its simulated counterpart.
The Indies:
Slick Entertainment
Vancouver-based Slick Entertainment took on the challenge of designing in-app purchases in a "non-evil" way. Find out how they earned the respect of their peers and how they approach indie game development.