Emily Browning

Legend Review

It's easy to see what attracted Tom Hardy to the dual roles in Legend, but are they enough to sustain the British gangster movie?

Geek Hard Podcast: Episode 197

On this episode we review Pompeii starring Kit Harington, Emily Browning, and Kiefer Sutherland. We also speak with comic artist Steve Lieber about his current run on Superior Foes of Spider-Man among other topics.

Pompeii Review

Part Titanic styled doomed romance, part Gladiator styled revenge flick, and part late 90s volcano disaster film, Paul W.S. Anderson’s liberally not-ripped-from-the-history-books take on the destruction of the Italian city of Pompeii in 72 A.D. is clichéd to the hilt and unabashedly cornball, but you can’t say it isn’t hitting all of the high notes perfectly.

TIFF 2011: Sleeping Beauty Review

Moreso based on Yasunari Kawabata’s The House of the Sleeping Beauties than the popular fairy tale, Emily Browning, whose butt you may remember from Sucker Punch, is Lucy, a university student who is very comfortable with performing tasks for money.

Sucker Punch Trailer

Leave it to director Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) to find a reason to put five beautiful young actresses in leather school girl outfits and have them fight everything from mecha-samurai to dragons and fighter planes. Snyder has described his new film Sucker Punch as “Alice in Wonderland with machine guns”, which judging by the trailer […]