Compromise, meaning “half happy,” is Hop’s word of the day for El. For many of the characters in Stranger Things, half happy is the word of the day too, as they grapple with with getting back to “normal” a year after the Upside Down transformed their lives forever.
“Shed Your Skin” is all about the struggle for power in a newly created creature capturing cohort, filled with icky gross out moments, and a whole whack of sexual tension — resolved and otherwise.
Holiness comes face to face with progress in The Knick’s second season two episode, “You’re No Rose”
Hard boiled pulp collides with abject horror and True Detective hits its stride in the shocking "Night Finds You".
The Absorbing Man rampages through Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s special effects budget, and the Woman in the Flower Dress returns in 'Heavy Is the Head.'
This episode Orphan Black gave us more insight into the science-obsessed new sect of Proletheans that have captured Helena. While Alison deals with the aftermath of Aynsley's death, Cosima falls deeper down the Dyad Institute rabbit hole, and Sarah enlists Art's help to find Kira, but is shocked as to where the trail leads. Shenanigans ensue.
The new season of HBO’s The Newsroom is up and running, and the second episode, "The Genoa Tip," is principally spent maneuvering us towards the season’s larger ongoing stories. We get some long-overdue progress in the Jim-Maggie-Don love triangle, more of intrepid-as-opposed-to-incompetent reporter Neal Sanpat, and more than one genuinely fun scene featuring Sloan.
The second episode of the Clash of Kings season of Game of Thrones, entitled “The Night Lands,” is extremely well developed, but it’s also the most gratuitously smutty of the four episodes of season two that Dork Shelf has seen. We get lots of Tyrion, we get some fun original scenes, we’re introduced to a colorful pirate in Salladhor Saan and we finally get to glimpse of Pyke and the Iron Islands. With season two, the showrunners continue to demonstrate impressive juggling ability.