episode five

Video: Game of Thrones Episode 5.6 Recap

What dragon eggs did you miss on the latest episode of Game of Thrones? We weigh in on the episode's troubling final scene, talk pros and cons, and more! Watch our video recap of season 5 episode 6, "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken".

Orphan Black Episode 2.5 Recap

Hidey-ho readeroonies! I hope you enjoyed Orphan Black’s season 2, episode 5, “Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est” (translation: “knowledge itself is power”), because otherwise this recap wherein I gush over the skillful storytelling is going to be weird. Don’t make it weird.

Hannibal Episode 2.5 Recap

“Mukozuke” succeeds in providing the contemplative space that other serial killer centric shows don’t. It’s a case study in what we will let our icons get away with and what makes them different from us and the fictional people they prey on.

True Detective Episode 1.5 Recap

Episode five takes True Detective's idea of temporal play and turns it into yet another aspect of horror that the show’s been so adept at delivering, delving into existential time-space contemplations and having its characters relive the nightmares contained in their lives.

A Girl on Girls: Episode 3.6 Recap

This week, Hannah gets a new job at GQ and has to struggle between following her heart, or her dollar-less pocket. Should she give up a new job she's great at that offers lots of delicious food? Meanwhile, the awkward sex Girls is known for is back in spades.

A Girl on Girls: Episode 3.5 Recap

This is Girls at its self-aware best. The episode starts off with the funeral of David Pressler-Goings, Hannah’s salt and peppered little publisher. It’s like Four Weddings and a Funeral! Except the closest thing we have to a young Hugh Grant is Adam, who has far too much unfortunate facial hair and far too little British come-hitherness

Game of Thrones Episode 3.5 Recap

Last week’s episode ended on a high point for the series, as Daenerys acquired an army of Unsullied and burned Astapor from the inside out with the help of her dragons. This week's episode, appropriately titled "Kissed by Fire," begins with just as much energy and a healthy helping of fire to boot.