George R. R. Martin
Douche Ranking "The Lion and The Rose." Where Game of Thrones characters are ranked on the patented (patent pending) Dork Shelf douche-awesome scale, wherein douchiness is measured in Joffreys and awesomeness is measured in mother$&#@ing dragons.
STORIFY: Fan reaction to Game of Thrones Episode 4.2
[View the story “Boo Hoo King Joffrey” on Storify]
Game of Thrones Episode 4.2 Recap
“The Lion and the Rose” makes it through the treacherous woods of first act exposition - in the first half, no less - and then celebrates by throwing viewers a party that no one is going to forget anytime soon.
Douche Ranking Game of Thrones: Episode 4.1
Quite a few characters on Game of Thrones tend to be well… douches. The wonderful thing about the show, however, is that you never know what end of the douche-awesome spectrum each character will end up on from week to week. Dork Shelf has decided to help you keep track of where George R. R. Martin’s imagination children stand each episode with our newest feature: Douche Ranking Game of Thrones!
Game of Thrones Episode 4.1 Recap
Between its fantastic bookends, “Two Swords” is everything you would expect from a healthy HBO drama entering its fourth season: statements of intention, an occasional piece of exposition, and a lot of resetting the board for a new game of intrigue, brutality, and maybe even a little glimmer of hope.
Game of Thrones: Season 3 Refresher
HBO's wildly popular epic fantasy series Game of Thrones returns for season four tonight. Your High Valyrian getting a little bit rusty? Can't quite remember which old white dude with a beard is which? Never fear, Dork Shelf is here with our Game of Thrones Season Four Primer.
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On not watching
Game of Thrones
HBO's landmark series is one of the best things on television. Even for those who don't watch television.
Game of Thrones Episode 3.10 Recap
After the vitriolic horror of the Red Wedding last week, Game of Thrones finished off its third season by reminding us that while some of its central heroes have been removed from play, the war of the kings is still in full effect, with old and new players alike positioning themselves for the next power play.
Game of Thrones Episode 3.9 Recap
Showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss have gone on the record multiple times in the past saying that getting to the third season of Game of Thrones was their primary objective at the show’s outset. More specifically, they had set the singular objective of building towards a single scene in a single episode. That scene played itself out in shocking and gory fashion this week in episode nine, “The Rains of Castamere.”
Game of Thrones Episode 3.8 Recap
It’s wedding season in the seven kingdoms as the first of four planned nuptials finally gets underway. Much of this week’s episode, “Second Sons," concerns the union of Sansa and Tyrion, which turns out to be exactly as sad and awkward as you would expect a forced wedding between a middle-aged dwarf and a 14-year-old girl to be.
Game of Thrones Episode 3.7 Recap
In "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" it’s couples night in Westeros as we gear up for no less than three weddings. Sadly, it seems that the awards for happiest couple can go to several candidates other than the betrothed.
Game of Thrones Episode 3.5 Recap
Last week’s episode ended on a high point for the series, as Daenerys acquired an army of Unsullied and burned Astapor from the inside out with the help of her dragons. This week's episode, appropriately titled "Kissed by Fire," begins with just as much energy and a healthy helping of fire to boot.
Game of Thrones Episode 3.4 Recap
Titled “And Now His Watch Is Ended,” the fourth episode of Game of Thrones’ third season is by far the busiest and best episode we’ve seen yet. It could well represent a turning point for the season, which until this point has sort of oozed along in a relatively disjointed fashion.
Game of Thrones Episode 3.3 Recap
Viewers attempting to detect any overarching themes or internal consistency in episode three of season three of Game of Thrones, entitled "Walk of Punishment," might be left stumped. Sort of like Jaime Lannister.
Game of Thrones Episode 3.2 Recap
In “Dark Winds, Dark Words”, the action is mercifully contained in Westeros. I’ve been critical of the show so far this season for struggling to juggle the myriad plots, characters and locales, but this episode did a relatively strong job of weaving everything together.