HBO's dramatic adaptation of Elena Ferrante's 2011 novel comes to an enrapturing and emotionally poignant end in the season finale.
My Brilliant Friend Episode 4.09: “The Disappearance” Review
My Brilliant Friend season four, episode nine considers disappearances both literal and figurative.
My Brilliant Friend Episodes 4.07-8 Review
Episodes 7 and 8 of My Brilliant Friend season four ask audiences how much life really changes and how much things stay the same.
My Brilliant Friend Episodes 4.04 – 4.06 Review
Earthquakes are terrifying in every moment of their existence. The initial tremor when you can’t entirely picture just how catastrophic the event might be – but perhaps you are one of the many who will picture the worst possible scenario of destruction; the phase of the earthquake where the entire earth seems to intent on […]
My Brilliant Friend Episodes 4.01 – 4.03 Review
The fourth and final season of HBO's hidden gem, My Brilliant Friend, returns with more quietly observed drama surrounding classism and motherhood.
House of the Dragon Season 2 Review
While the pacing suffers, House of the Dragon remains a wildly compelling show about how power shapes us with a thrilling second season.
House of the Dragon 2.07: “The Red Sowing” Review
Rhaenyra’s faith in her own divine right is reignited in the fiery seventh episode of "House of the Dragon" Season 2.
Spoiled Rotten 302: Revisiting Watchmen (2019)
Ben and Daniel revisit Watchmen (2019) on Spoiled Rotten Podcast.
House of the Dragon 2.06: “Smallfolk” Review
Leadership is a complicated thing to get a handle on and this dance of trying to figure out who is the best person for the job is a dominant theme in all of A Song of Ice Fire.
House of the Dragon 2.05: “Regent” Review
In "Regent," House of the Dragon's second season reshuffles the board after a major death in its previous episode.
The Leftovers at 10: How The Sudden Departure Still Affects Us
Ten years after its premiere, The Leftovers remains a profound and often brutal examination of humanity’s tenuous grip on mortality.
House of the Dragon 2.04: “The Red Dragon and the Gold” Review
In the fourth episode of House of the Dragon Season 2, the Targaryen Civil War kicks off to carnage and tragedy.
House of the Dragon 2.03: “The Burning Mill” Review
There's a slowly morphing acceptance here that the main players are trying too hard to control things that spun out of control long ago.
House of the Dragon 2.02: “Rhaenyra the Cruel” Review
"Rhaenyra the Cruel": Building loyalty through mercy versus cruelty with those who have less power than you—a lesson worth learning.
House of the Dragon 2.01: “A Son for a Son” Review
Season 2 of House of the Dragon kicks off with a haunting start, exploring the consequences of Season 1's finale through strong adaptation.