
2025 Milestone Movie Anniversaries

Celebrate cinema with 2025's milestone movie anniversaries, including Inception, Toy Story, Back to the Future, The Shining, Jaws, Psycho, Sunset Boulevard and All About Eve...to name just a few.

comPOSERS Episode 70: Jaws

We're going to need a bigger podcast this week, as we're joined by special guest and Jaws expert Cousin Alex to talk John Williams' iconic score for Steven Spielberg's unlikely hit.

Hot Docs 2016: Fear Itself Review

From the director of Beyond Clueless comes another essay film about pop culture, this time settling on horror films as a subject as it weaves together clips from the entire history of the genre.

Geek Hard Podcast: Episode 258

On this episode we talk with writer Greg Rucka about Convergence: The Question #1. We celebrate the 40th Anniversary of JAWS. We also talk with artist Adam Gorham to discuss his latest book DEAD DROP #1.

Cineplex’s Great Digital Film Festival

We take a look at this year's fourth annual Great Digital Film Festival from Cineplex, which kicks off in 19 theatres across Canada this Friday and how it's bringing classic Hollywood hits to the megaplex.

The New Old: The Jaws of Our Youth

This week, some films to appeal to our younger memories, as Phil Brown looks at the Blu-ray debuts of Jaws and The Royal Tenenbaums and dives into new blu's for Grosse Pointe Blank and Halloween 4 & 5