Pros, cons, easter eggs, and more from episodes 1-7 of Marvel's Daredevil season two!
Thought Bubble: Why I’ll Always Be #TeamCap
Unlike Iron Man, Captain America recognizes that doing the right thing is never supposed to be easy.
Daredevil: Charlie Cox Interview
We talk to Daredevil star Charlie Cox about the upcoming season, his thoughts on Elektra, if #DD is on #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan, and some of this season's craziest action sequences.
Anthony Mackie on Making Triple 9 vs Getting Pampered by Marvel
Anthony Mackie talks to Dork Shelf about how making Triple 9 was different from a Marvel movie, when things on set almost got too real, what makes him want to fight, and a new movement he's seeing among young black actors in Hollywood.
The Punisher Thinks Daredevil is a Coward in Season 2 Trailer
The Punisher challenges Daredevil's leniency in the first full trailer for Netflix's upcoming second season.
Deadpool Review
Deadpool is an obnoxious, unapologetic, raunchy good time.
The Roundup Episode #14 – Cool Teen
This episode we're joined by the delightful Natalie Smith and talk about the hit Broadway musical Hamilton, Thor: Ragnarok getting lady screenwriters, gay baiting in the Captain America: Civil War trailer, Jessica Jones, Master of None, and more!
Ant-Man Blu-ray Review
Ant-Man hits Blu-ray this week, which means we're taking a second look at this Marvel origin/ heist story and breaking down the special features to let you know if it's "Shelf-worthy".
4 Reasons Jessica Jones is the Definitive Post Traumatic Hero
Move over Bruce Wayne, Jessica Jones is the best representation of PTSD on TV.
Tony Stark Gets His Feelings Hurt in First Trailer for Captain America: Civil War
Captain America is once again battling the government in the first trailer for next year's big Marvel extravaganza.
Jessica Jones Episode 8-13 Video Recap & Easter Eggs
It's part two of our Fan v Fan video recap for Marvel's Jessica Jones. Pros, cons, easter eggs, and more from episodes 8-13!
Paved with Bad Intentions: Why Jessica Jones’ Kilgrave is an Irredeemable Villain
Jessica Jones and Kilgrave demonstrate why intention is just as important as outcome in questions of morality.
Jessica Jones Episode 1-7 Video Recap & Easter Eggs
It's part one of our Fan v Fan video recap for episodes 1-7 of Marvel's Jessica Jones. Pros, cons, easter eggs, and more!
Thought Bubble: Why We Need Jessica Jones
I first read Alias because I heard Netflix would be releasing a 13-episode series based on it, but there's so much more to Jessica Jones.
New Jessica Jones Trailer
The latest trailer for Marvel's Jessica Jones has arrived.