We speak with TOP GUN: MAVERICK aerial coordinator Kevin LaRosa Jr. about the work that he and his team did to bring this remarkable adventure to life.
Our in-depth video review of TOP GUN: MAVERICK from Cannes 2022!
Join us as we learn how men and women really can't be friends, and how this movie really didn't need what little score Marc Shaiman actually wrote, in When Harry Met Sally.
Aquarius season began on January 21st and with it comes the energy of innovation, rebelliousness and altruism. Here are the top ten films that fit into the Aquarian archetype. Buckle up, things are about to get weird.
If you haven't seen Joe Dante's 1987 sci fi comedy Innerspace, Warner Bros' new Blu-ray release is a perfect excuse to correct that. Here's why.
Is Amy Townsend from Trainwreck the closest we've come to a modern-day Sally?
For this week's Unsung Anniversaries, we go with a pretty deep cut to celebrate the 25th anniversary of American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt, and in the process talk a little bit about the history of 1980s movie making powerhouse Cannon Films, what happens when a franchise has to recast its lead, and why the film has two standout performances from cult acting icons that almost make it worth watching.