Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

Game of Thrones Season 3 Preview

The premiere episode of the third season of Game of Thrones opens way up North of the wall with Samwell Tarly running (not very quickly) away from a Wight attacker. The landscapes are breathtaking, the set pieces are exciting, the costuming is pitch perfect, and the plot lines are consuming. There’s also lots of gratuitous sex scenes and loads of gory, shocking bloodshed. In short, Game of Thrones still excels at what it does well.

Mama Review

Deceptively simple, but effective on the surface, Mama has a lot more depth than one would expect thanks to sharp writing and a great lead performance from Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain. It revives the "creepy child" horror movie from the jaws of tedium.

Headhunters Review

An almost old fashioned, slick, and sometimes icky thriller, the Norwegian import Headhunters doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's aimed squarely at an appreciative adult audience.

Interview: Headhunters Director Morten Tyldum

Dork Shelf recently had the chance to speak with Norwegian director Morten Tyldum about his new film Headhunters. He discussed the challenges of making the screen adaptation his own, the logistics of shooting in an outhouse, and his new American sci-fi thriller What Happened To Monday?

Game of Thrones Episode 2.2 Review

The second episode of the Clash of Kings season of Game of Thrones, entitled “The Night Lands,” is extremely well developed, but it’s also the most gratuitously smutty of the four episodes of season two that Dork Shelf has seen. We get lots of Tyrion, we get some fun original scenes, we’re introduced to a colorful pirate in Salladhor Saan and we finally get to glimpse of Pyke and the Iron Islands. With season two, the showrunners continue to demonstrate impressive juggling ability.

Game of Thrones Season 2 Preview

The much anticipated second season of HBO’s Game of Thrones debuts this weekend on HBO Canada. We’ve seen the first four episodes of the upcoming season, and there’s a lot that fans of the novels and the series will be happy about for this second go around.

Game of Thrones: The Exhibition Preview

Game of Thrones: The Exhibition opened yesterday in Toronto, and runs for he next eight days at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. Dork Shelf was lucky enough to get a guided tour on Thursday, and we were pretty impressed by all of the costumes, props, and weaponry from HBO's fantasy series that were on display.

Game of Thrones Episode 1.7 Review

And so episode seven leaves many of our players in even worse shape than they were before - as if that were even possible! Death, betrayal, uncertainty and now the likely prospect of invasion. Things have never been worse for the people of the Seven Kingdoms.

Game of Thrones Episode 1.5 Review

The fifth episode of HBO's Game of Thrones, titled “The Wolf and the Lion,” was the most action packed and gruesome of the first season so far. If we were to compare the series through five episodes to a Rube Goldberg machine – and why not – the first four episodes were the set up. In this week's episode the start button was pushed, and the machinations began to pay off dramatically: the pace quickened, threats flew in earnest and lots of blood was spilled.

Game of Thrones Episode 1.4 Review

The fourth episode of Game of Thrones, entitled Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things, has a steady supply of all of the aforementioned outsiders and invalids. Jon Snow continues to face challenges as he trains to become a brother of the Night's Watch, while young Bran Stark - whose dreams are being haunted by a mysterious three-eyed crow - struggles to come to terms with his new life as a parapelegic.

Game of Thrones Episode 1.3 Review

Arrivals, false glory and palace intrigue are the primary concerns of the third instalment of HBO's Game of Thrones. The episode is entitled “Lord Snow”, though Jon Snow plays a relatively minor role in the episode as a whole, and is not technically a nobleman. Following the Stark family's arduous journey from Winterfell, the episode begins with Ned's uncomfortable arrival in King's Landing, where he assumes the title of Hand of the King.

Game of Thrones Episode 1.2 Review

With the introduction and exposition heavy first episode behind it, Game of Thrones now moves onto the business of the story. In the wake of shocking conclusion of the first episode (incest and attempted child murder still qualify as shocking, right?), the second episode, titled "The Kingsroad", quite literally takes the action on the road. Many characters embark on journies that will shape the events of the entire season, and indeed the rest of the series.