Ben and Daniel rank the DCEU films from least favourite to favourite on Spoiled Rotten Podcast!
Ben and Daniel revisit Wonder Woman!
Ben and Daniel spoil Wonder Woman 1984 & get into the future of DC movies!
Our look at the not-so-wonderful Wonder Woman 1984, coming soon to a small screen near you.
For better and for worse, Wonder Woman 1984 is one of the most “comic book-y” superhero movies of the modern era.
Canadian superhero fans, rejoice! Wonder Woman 1984 is coming to Canada after all! Details here:
The holidays came early for Marvel, Star Wars, and Disney fandom this year thanks to... an annual investor call? Here's everything the House of Mouse announced and unveiled today.
Film gets simultaneous theatrical and HBO Max release for Dec. 25.
Wonder Woman 1984 sees Diana reunite with her lost love, Steve Trevor, to once again save the world.