Pedro Pascal

Video: Game of Thrones Episode 5.6 Recap

What dragon eggs did you miss on the latest episode of Game of Thrones? We weigh in on the episode's troubling final scene, talk pros and cons, and more! Watch our video recap of season 5 episode 6, "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken".

Video: Game of Thrones Episode 5.3 Recap

Arya plants a sword tree! Jon and Stannis become bros! And Littlefinger gives Sansa an offer that she absolutely should refuse! Watch our video recap of season 5 episode 3 - "High Sparrow" - with contributors Elena and Peter.

Video: Game of Thrones Episode 5.2 Recap

Arya returns! Braavos revealed! Jaime and Bronn start a buddy cop comedy! #PounceWatch2015! Watch our video recap of season 5 episode 2 - "The House of Black and White" - with contributors Elena and Peter.

Game of Thrones Episode 4.10 Recap

Doing justice to its title, the Game of Thrones season finale passes the torch to the next generation of throne-gamers: “The Children” have finally ascended to vitally important roles, no longer playing the victims to the machinations of their parents. Happy Father’s Day!

Game of Thrones Episode 4.8 Recap

“The Mountain and the Viper” is about history. Some people dwell on the past and worry, others look back and find identity. One specifically unfortunate man has allowed his past to fester, making him prone to a mind-crushing lust for vengeance.

Douche Ranking Game of Thrones: Episode 4.2

Douche Ranking "The Lion and The Rose." Where Game of Thrones characters are ranked on the patented (patent pending) Dork Shelf douche-awesome scale, wherein douchiness is measured in Joffreys and awesomeness is measured in mother$&#@ing dragons.

Douche Ranking Game of Thrones: Episode 4.1

Quite a few characters on Game of Thrones tend to be well… douches. The wonderful thing about the show, however, is that you never know what end of the douche-awesome spectrum each character will end up on from week to week. Dork Shelf has decided to help you keep track of where George R. R. Martin’s imagination children stand each episode with our newest feature: Douche Ranking Game of Thrones!