Peter Sarsgaard

TIFF 2023: Memory Review

Peter Sarsgaard and Jessica Chastain star in Michel Franco's quietly subdued character study, Memory. One of the highlights of TIFF and featuring dynamite performances from two veteran actors, Memory is a compassionate tale of two broken people longing for connection and stability.

Pawn Sacrifice Review

Edward Zwick's Bobby Fischer biopic Pawn Sacrifice puts the controversial figure in check, but does Fischer get off too easy?

Night Moves Review

Although a taut thriller like Night Moves is a change of pace for normally minimalist director Kelly Reichardt, it's even more thrilling thanks to her knack for slow burning character work.

Interview: Kelly Reichardt

We talk to Night Moves director Kelly Reichardt about the genre aspects of her films, the temperament and contradictions of her characters, and why her films always feel rooted in specific moments.

Lovelace Review

Despite a clever, non-linear structure the biopic Lovelace narrows its focus too much to be an interesting or even all that original look at its subject.

Blue Jasmine Review

Thanks to an excellent script and a knock-out leading performance from Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine is handily Woody Allen's best film since the early 1990s. Instead of being fun, playful, or genre based, it's emotional, real, and keenly perceptive.

Robot & Frank Review

With a story of a grumpy old man learning life lessons and pulling off heists with the help of a robot sounds like a concept that Disney would have come up with circa 1998, Robot & Frank is an incredibly sweet, charming, funny and deeply enjoyable movie that avoids grating sentimentality and builds actual excitement and emotion.

Behold! Wondercon Green Lantern Footage!

Wondercon attendees were treated to an extended trailer for the upcoming Green Lantern film last night. The trailer expands on a number of concepts that I was curious about, namely the setting up of the film's main villain (Parallax?) and introducing us to the Green Lantern Corps in their entirety.