
Podcast 5: Phone Journey

Know what to expect when you go to see Wolverine—at least, what to expect from the trailers. Will, Jeff, and Lucas analyze a bevy of movies, video games, and promotional TV shows. Lucas Preys, Jeff tells us what he thinks of documentaries, and Will survives wave after wave of zombies. All this, Daredevil, and Montalbán's chest are in the fifth episode of the Dork Shelf Podcast.

Podcast 4: Cat’s in the Bag

In this fourth podcast, Jeff tells us about the super important summer event that's been keeping him busy (is it X-Men Origins: Wolverine?), Will explains how Fallout is like Metal Gear, and Lucas drinks from the precious "I ♥ Jim" mug. The dorks talk about new TV shows, bemoan the shallow ethnic diversity in superhero troupes, and debate the state of computer gaming. Prepare to be informed, amused, and offended.

Podcast 2: Buying Games, Canadian Content, and Poirot’s Moustache

We're back this week with another podcast. Jeff, Will, and Lucas discuss how they go about deciding to purchase video games, the role of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission and advertising in creating Canadian shows and making it difficult for Canadians to watch foreign shows, and Hercule Poirot—supercop.

Podcast 1: The Watchmen

Jeff, Will, and our friends Kiara, Rajiv, and Kevin Smith—no, not that one: the other one—discuss Watchmen the movie, the graphic novel, and the new video game. Did Zack Snyder manage to be faithful to the comic? Would it have been better as a television series directed by Terry Gilliam? Will Kevin ever learn how to pick a lock? The dorks answer these and other questions in just under an hour.