Richard Madden

Game of Thrones Episode 3.2 Recap

In “Dark Winds, Dark Words”, the action is mercifully contained in Westeros. I’ve been critical of the show so far this season for struggling to juggle the myriad plots, characters and locales, but this episode did a relatively strong job of weaving everything together.

Game of Thrones Episode 3.1 Recap

In the premiere episode of the third season of Game of Thrones, titled “Valar Dohaeris” (a term that means “all men must serve” in High Valyrian) we’re quickly reminded of the stakes of the game. Reintroducing us to the world of Westeros and its inhabitants, the show continues to bring more to the table than it takes off. But will that leave some viewers confused?

Game of Thrones Season 3 Preview

The premiere episode of the third season of Game of Thrones opens way up North of the wall with Samwell Tarly running (not very quickly) away from a Wight attacker. The landscapes are breathtaking, the set pieces are exciting, the costuming is pitch perfect, and the plot lines are consuming. There’s also lots of gratuitous sex scenes and loads of gory, shocking bloodshed. In short, Game of Thrones still excels at what it does well.

Game of Thrones Episode 2.5 Review

It's hard to believe the season is already half over, but HBO's Game of Thrones continues to go strong in its fifth episode, entitled "The Ghost of Harrenhal." Gruesome deaths, political schemes, hard truths, and revenge are par for the course in this series and nowhere is that more evident than in this episode.

Game of Thrones Episode 2.4 Review

Starting with a fart joke and a direwolf mauling, "Garden of Bones" is an episode full of timely interventions and fateful confrontations, as well as one of the most disturbing cliffhangers you're ever likely to see on TV. Despite some missteps, HBO's Game of Thrones continues to be one of the most compelling shows on television with this fourth episode of the second season.

Game of Thrones Episode 2.2 Review

The second episode of the Clash of Kings season of Game of Thrones, entitled “The Night Lands,” is extremely well developed, but it’s also the most gratuitously smutty of the four episodes of season two that Dork Shelf has seen. We get lots of Tyrion, we get some fun original scenes, we’re introduced to a colorful pirate in Salladhor Saan and we finally get to glimpse of Pyke and the Iron Islands. With season two, the showrunners continue to demonstrate impressive juggling ability.

Game of Thrones Episode 2.1 Review

HBO’s Game of Thrones is back, and it’s at its sprawling, brutal best in the premiere episode of the second season. In “The North Remembers,” the narrative jumps regularly across continents to re-introduce the audience to the characters, and the rapidly changing world they inhabit. That the episode reconciles all this, and accomplishes these tasks in a satisfying dramatic package is a pretty remarkable feat of storytelling.

Game of Thrones Season 2 Preview

The much anticipated second season of HBO’s Game of Thrones debuts this weekend on HBO Canada. We’ve seen the first four episodes of the upcoming season, and there’s a lot that fans of the novels and the series will be happy about for this second go around.