science fiction
Stranger Things 2 Recap:
Gifted with the D&D power of truesight, can Will Byers tackle the shadow monster that dwells in the Ethereal plane?
Stranger Things 2 Recap:
Chapter 3 – The Pollywog
As Dustin discovers, pet ownership is a big responsibility. It requires research, investment, care, and a gargantuan stash of Three Musketeers bars.
Stranger Things 2 Recap:
Chapter 2 – Trick or Treat, Freak
Compromise, meaning “half happy,” is Hop’s word of the day for El. For many of the characters in Stranger Things, half happy is the word of the day too, as they grapple with with getting back to “normal” a year after the Upside Down transformed their lives forever.
Stranger Things 2 Recap:
Chapter 1 – MADMAX
Peter and Susan at back are you with recaps of season 2 of Stranger Things. They guided you through the Upside Down last season, and they’re ready to jump right back in.
The Development Slate Episode 59 – Enemy Mine
This week on The Development Slate, we tackle the heady '80s sci-fi flick Enemy Mine!
The Development Slate Episode 56 – TRON
Yaw and Ashley break out their best computer puns as they take on Tron in this week's episode of The Development Slate.
The Development Slate Episode 55 – Reboot Roundtable: The Matrix Rebooted
On this episode we try something a little different as special guests Will Perkins and Andrew Ivimey join us to discuss the news that The Matrix is getting a reboot.
The Development Slate Episode 47 – DOOM
This week on The Development Slate, your hosts imagine how to make a newer, better DOOM film.
Contest: ILLUSIONOID Live Podcast Recording with Kristian Bruun!
Dork Shelf wants to send you and a guest to ILLUSIONOID's Live Podcast Recording with Kristian Bruun and John Catucci!
The Development Slate Episode 44 – Dark City
This week James and Yaw reimagine a great sci-fi noir film that flew under the radar: Dark City.
The OA Review: Beguiling Frustration
Netflix's new original series The OA is part sci-fi, part fantasy, and a whole lot of mystery. The show has all the makings of the next big streaming hit, but is that enough?
Contest: See TEDDY BOMB in Toronto!
Dork Shelf and THE LASER BLAST FILM SOCIETY want to send you and a guest to a very special holiday screening of the “sci-fu-splat” flick TEDDY BOMB!
Jimmi Simpson on the Westworld Season Finale, His Favourite Westerns, and His Dork Shelf
Westworld's Jimmi Simpson discusses the big season finale, his love of Westerns, what he’d do if he were in a real life robot cowboy theme park, and much more.
The Development Slate Episode 40 – The Secret World of Alex Mack w/ Susan Stover
Dork Shelf's Susan Stover joins the Dev Slate guys to tackle a reboot of The Secret World of Alex Mack!
The Development Slate Episode 39 – The Day the Earth Stood Still
Listen as the Dev Slate guys talk about the original The Day the Earth Stood Still, the remake, and how they’d make their own versions.