Shenmue III backers were upset with Ys Net about not receiving refunds after an exclusive deal with Epic Store was announced at E3. Now, things have changed.
The Best of EGLX
We take a look at the top indie games to keep an eye on after the recent EGLX in Toronto.
Way of the Passive Fist Review
The retro brawler with a twist is a fresh, fun, and fascinating take on one of gaming's oldest genres.
The Shelf Episode 17 – Will O’Neill on Little Red Lie
Will O'Neill discusses the economy, his new game, and the social function of lying.
The Shelf Episode 14 – Jon Remedios on SSMP
Toronto game developer Jon Remedios discusses his new local multiplayer game about stupid triangles.
Use Your Words Review
The new party game is an enjoyable diversion best appreciated with good friends and good beer.
The Shelf Episode 10 – Ian Campbell on Bleed 2
The Toronto developer discusses the design evolution that occurred between Bleed and Bleed 2.
The Best of PAX East – Day 2
From racing horror to co-op stealth, we're back with more of the best games from PAX East.
We Are Chicago Review
In We Are Chicago, poor technical execution undercuts a game with good intentions.
Contest: Win a Steam Copy of Benjamin Rivers’ Alone With You
Alone With You is now available on Steam. We're giving away a few copies to celebrate the new release!
The WhaleCast Episode 48: Miguel Sternberg
Spooky Squid's Miguel Sternberg discusses Russian Subway Dogs and the challenges of Kickstarter.
The WhaleCast Episode 41
Eric and Jon discuss Street Fighter V, Deadpool, and Invisible, Inc. on the latest episode of the WhaleCast.
Free Range Games and the Long Search for Labyrinth
The upcoming independent CCG is an unexpected blend of Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons.
How Vlambeer Pioneered a New Approach to Early Access
The development of Nuclear Throne demonstrates the value of transparency for games in Early Access.
Thought Bubble: Every Game Should Have a No Encounter Mode
Games become more accessible when they give players more control over the experience.