Steven Soderbergh

Magic Mike Review

A cheesy triumph for both star Channing Tatum and director Steven Soderbergh, Magic Mike is a crowd pleasing delight despite a simple story that might seem beneath the esteemed director at first glance.

Summer Movie Preview: June Part One

Of all the months this summer, June has become so stacked that we had to divide our summer movie preview up into two parts! Today, we take a look at Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted, Magic Mike, That's My Boy, Safety Not Guaranteed, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, and G.I. Joe: Retaliation!

This Week in DVD: 5/1/12

Following an extremely slow DVD release week last week, this week's columnists and Zack Kotzer take on a marginally less slow week with looks at Steven Soderbergh's Haywire, Ti West's The Innkeepers, and the unnecessary sequel/reimagining The Wicker Tree.

Contagion Review

Director Steven Soderbergh takes on a deadly viral outbreak in his latest film, Contagion, with the same episodic story structure that he employed when he took on the war on drugs in Traffic. What this means is that Contagion is a very well made and often fascinating film that feels longer than it really is and it forgets about most of its characters at fairly inopportune times. The two films could really play side by side as a double bill of Soderbergh procedurals. They have almost the exact same strengths and the exact same faults.

The Absolute Best of the Century (Thus Far)

When it was first suggested that each Dork Shelfer (we’re kinda like the Maple Leafs that way) write a blurb about their favourite comic book, video game and movie of the past decade, reactions were mixed. It’s the general consensus that the only thing more arbitrarily reductive than declaring the ‘best’ of the year is […]