The Doctor
Fear-eating demons try to ruin a Día de los Muertos celebration. A space dog escapes from its owner while a corrupt organization brainwashes theme park patrons. A quadrillionaire terraforms an entire planet and unleashes an ancient evil. And all before tea! Since October, Titan Comics has given us three – yes, THREE – Doctor Who […]
RANKED: Doctor Who Season 8 (Part 2)
We're tacklling the best and worst of Doctor Who season 8. Which instalment deserves multiple re-watches and which episodes should go the way of Gallifrey? To part two of the list!
RANKED: Doctor Who Season 8 (Part 1)
We're going to tackle the best and worst of Doctor Who season 8. Which instalment deserves multiple re-watches and which episodes should die in a fire? To part one of the list!
Doctor Who Episode 8.12 Recap
“Death in Heaven”, sadly, was a perfect example of this season’s difficulty in balancing emotional veracity with plot coherence.
Doctor Who Episode 8.11 Recap
Heartbreakingly sad, brilliantly acted, beautifully directed and smartly written, “Dark Water” is bound to become an iconic installment of Doctor Who if next week doesn't screw the pooch.
Doctor Who Episode 8.10 Recap
With "In the Forest of the Night," first-time Who screenwriter Frank Cottrell Boyce creates visually and emotionally rich story that does away with predictable twists and repetitive plot points.
Doctor Who Episode 8.9 Recap
"Flatline" gets diminishing returns out of the Doctor's moral utilitarianism.
Doctor Who Episode 8.5 Recap
"Time Heist" is a Monet of an episode: good from far away, but a mess as soon as you look closer.
Doctor Who Episode 8.4 Recap
“Listen” addresses some major series issues in perhaps one of the most beautiful Doctor Who episodes yet.
Doctor Who Episode 8.3 Recap
Our lovely companion takes the Doctor up on an offer to go anywhere in time, choosing the period when Robin Hood would have been traipsing around England.
Doctor Who Episode 8.2 Recap
This second bout of new Doctor Who is much more successful than the premiere “Deep Breath”.
Doctor Who Episode 8.1 Recap
There's a new Doctor in town! Season 8 of Doctor Who kicks off with the dark and slightly confused "Deep Breath."
How I Got Into Comics (And How You Might Too!)
Not every nerd is created equal: some of us are slow out of the gate when it comes to discovering interests. Alex James explains what kept him out of comics until well after he started shaving, and runs down the titles that finally sucked him in.
Doctor Who Episode 6.2 Review
As I said in my review, the first episode of Doctor Who Series Six —"The Impossible Astronaut" — was filled with elaborate narrative arcs and characters on the brink of disaster. The second part to this two-parter serial — "Day of the Moon" — does nothing in the way of answering questions or alleviating any of the tension introduced in the previous episode.