The Possibilities are Endless

RIFF 2014: Interview: Edward Lovelace and James Hall

It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to have a stroke without knowing someone who’s been through one.  The human brain is a tricky beast on the best of days, and it’s hard to put into words much less into visuals on a screen.  But directors Edward Lovelace and James Hall get closer than anyone […]

RIFF 2014: The Possibilities Are Endless Review

The Possibilities Are Endless After suffering a hemorrhagic stroke, Scottish singer-songwriter Edwyn Collins ended up slipping into a coma. After waking, it was discovered quite quickly he had suffered acute aphasia, a condition that affects the brain and leads to problems using language.  Other than yes and no, the only other phrases Edwyn could use were […]

Hot Docs 2014: The Possibilities Are Endless Review

The Possibilities are Endless Next After suffering a hemorrhagic stroke, Scottish singer-songwriter Edwyn Collins ended up slipping into a coma. After waking, it was discovered quite quickly he had suffered acute aphasia, a condition that affects the brain and leads to problems using language.  Other than yes and no, the only other phrases Edwyn could […]

The Dork Shelf Guide to Hot Docs 2014

The 21st annual Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival is upon us - running Thursday, April 24th to Sunday, May 4th - and here's your one stop shop for all of our reviews, interviews, features, and festivities from the largest festival of its kind in North America.