The Wrestler

Geek Nerd Dork Episode 15

Following last week's epic show with our guest Teddy Wilson, co-host of InnerSPACE on the SPACE channel, we present to you the stunning conclusion! This week we find out what Gavin really thought of The Wrestler, twist endings, talk more about the inner workings of popular media and quiz each other on hyper-nerdy trivia, all of which makes for an entertaining show.

Black Swan Review

This review of Black Swan is a little late in arriving, as I wasn’t sure I wanted to write one at all. Being a great admirer of Darren Aronofsky’s previous work, my immense disappointment with the film did not encourage me. But being in what seems the extreme minority of those who found the film lacking in Aronofsky’s previous genius, I feel somewhat compelled (not only by myself) to justify my opinion.