Mark Clennon's extraordinary performance drives every frame of M.H. Murrary's tense feature debut I Don't Know Who You Are.
Surveying the short films of Toronto's Sophy Romvari, from Norman Norman to Pumpkin Movie to Still Processing.
Jury leader Sergio Navarretta discusses this year's festival.
Bust out your fancy masks for a hybrid in-person and vitrual fest.
Here are ten 2020 film adaptations to read during social distancing before the movie theatres re-open.
First look at Anne at 13,000 starring Deragh Campbell and directed by Kazik Radwanski.
Schitt's Creek director Jerry Ciccoritti tackles the pros and cons of dirty pictures in Lie Exposed, which could have learned a thing or two from Moira Rose and her nudes.
Toronto plays itself in indie break-up drama with relatable Millennial angst, sans avocado toast.
The truly awful, locally made ensemble film The Resurrection of Tony Gitone is unwatchable in every sense of the word.