In Episode 5, Eric and Jon (SSMP) try to figure out what makes a game memorable, discussing The Swapper, Mouffe, and an old MMO that you’ve probably never heard of. They also talk about this weekend’s Global Game Jam and the importance of failing quickly.
Download: The WhaleCast Episode 5 (48:04)
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- 0:00 – Intro – “Work It” by Missy Elliott
- :45 – The Swapper
- 13:00 – Glitch and the Soundscapes of Ur
- 23:00 – Please email us if you played Glitch! ([email protected])
- 24:00 – Portal vs. The Swapper – What makes a game memorable?
- 29:20 – Mouffe
- 33:10 – Critical Hit and the Game Jam mentality
- 36:15 – Global Game Jam
- 40:55 – Games in a non-commercial context
- 47:30 – Outro – “Gossip Folks” by Missy Elliott featuring Ludacris