What a Wonderful Left4Dead

We’re big fans of Valve’s Left 4 Dead here at Dork Shelf.  YouTube user monkeyjunkie (one of the responsible for the Half-Life remake Black Mesa) put together a little machinima based on L4D set to the timeless music of Louis Armstrong.  Do yourself a favour and watch the HD version. [youtube width=”560″ height=”344″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7_Ta7vVW-c[/youtube] Also, make […]

Star Wars: The Old Republic Behind-the-Scenes Video

BioWare and LucasArts have released a behind-the-scenes video for their upcoming massively multiplayer role playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic.  The new video showcases actual gameplay for the first time, and gives an behind-the-scenes look at the recording of dialogue for the game. After playing EVE Online and Age of Conan, I promised myself […]

Living with First-Person Shooter Disease

IGN recently posted a short documentary about a little known genetic disorder that effects certain people: Duke Nukem’s disease. This is Gene’s story. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jBKKV2V8eU[/youtube] Thanks to John Mackin for the hlink.

Video Games: An Animation

This amazing video was meant to be the introduction to an aborted documentary about video game addiction.  Vimeo user MUSCLEBEAVER created the animation to show the evolution of video games, from Pong to the modern day. Featuring nods to everything from Space Invaders, Super Mario Bros. 3, Escape from Monkey Island, Doom and Street Fighter […]

Batman: Number One

FunnyOrDie presents Batman: Number One, a hilarious short film in which we discover that having dead parents isn’t the only issue the Dark Knight has. Thanks to richpee for the link

Faux Grindhouse 2012 Trailer

Vimeo user Garrison Dean has created a hilarious 1970’s grindhouse style trailer for Roland Emmerich‘s upcoming disaster-porn movie 2012. The video really illustrates how ridiculous Emmerich’s epic disaster movie is going to be, but we’ll all go to see the insane spectacle anyways.  Kudos to the maker of the video for using music from Incredible […]

What if Street Fighter II was Real?

Most people have played the arcade/Super Nintendo classic Street Fighter II at some point in their life.  Do you remember that weird bonus stage where the player was given a time limit to basically beat the crap out of car? I always thought it was really weird; but Japanese games have always been weird so […]

George Lucas: Maker of Films

The Binary Bansai has unearthed a rare hour long interview with Star Wars creator George Lucas from 1971.  Filmed hot on the heels of his first feature film THX 1138, the piece entitled George Lucas: Maker of Films features a 27 year old Lucas discussing the movie industry, film theory and his hopes for the […]

Doubt: The Video Game

Movie tie-in games are a dime a dozen: They are often quickly and cheaply produced, which more often than not results in a terrible finished product. Perhaps if more developers were willing to take a chance and create games based on Oscar nominated films like Doubt, movie tie-in titles wouldn’t have such a bad reputation.  […]

Mashup: Han Solo, P.I.

“Han Solo, P.I” is the creation of YouTube user TheCBVee. The video is a mashup of Star Wars and the 1980’s TV show Magnum, P.I. starring Tom Selleck.  Oh, internet you never cease to amaze me. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYntjR4-pY4[/youtube] The Star Wars spoof  is a painstaking shot for shot re-imagining of the original Magnum, P.I. intro sequence, as […]


An ad firm in Germany is using this on tour buses. Check it out. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkl3CgAVFss[/youtube]

I’m a Marvel, and I’m a DC

Hey everyone Thank you for the response from the first post, I hope this one only continues the ball rolling. Marvel DC Which are you ? Comments fuel my next video so post. [vimeo]http://www.vimeo.com/3518454[/vimeo]

Greetings From The Comic Dork

Hello Everyone. Welcome to Dork Shelf. Sorry I’m late posting my content, but keep an eye on the site for audio and video from yours truly. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/3508748[/vimeo]