The Editor Midnight Madness A loving homage to lesser, shoddier made giallo films of the 70s and 80s, The Editor finds its greatest strength in pulling together a lot of small details together that film nerds will love, but that others might not find as amusing. Once one of the world’s greatest film editors, Rey […]
Enter for a chance to win a copy of the Astron-6 space epic Manborg on DVD courtesy of Raven Banner, Anchor Bay, and Dork Shelf.
Enter for a chance to win one of five pairs of passes to see the Canadian cult comedy smash Manborg at The Royal in Toronto on Friday, February 1st at 11:30pm!
Despite forgetting to add in a certain degree of sincerity that 80s and 90s cheeseball replicas need to succeed as comedies, the ultra low budget Manborg from Winnipeg's Astron 6 has enough funny moments and interesting stop motion effects to spare.
Manborg is meant to recreate that VHS tape you once found misplaced in the corner concert film section of a pawn shop. In a world being rapidly flooded with these rehashed nostalgia bombs, Manborg is challenged to represent a new era/aesthetic of re-re-re-rehash, and to be more entertaining than many of the other films in the running. Thankfully for Manborg, it is half man, half cyborg, all Manborg.