The second season of Big Little Lies concludes with a somewhat lacking hour that encapsulates both this season’s strengths and weaknesses.
Real world behind the scenes drama may have overshadowed this week's Big Little Lies, but that doesn't mean the latest episode's revelations have any less weight.
In spite of how much the mothers of Big Little Lies may want to protect their children from the harshness of the world around them, they will inevitably discover that darkness for themselves.
Things start to get unhinged on the latest Big Little Lies – the halfway point of season two! Read Akash Singh's full review of the most recent episode.
On the latest episode of Big Little Lies, the families of Monterey are discovering that the world they've built for themselves is little more than a thin facade.
On the latest episode of Big Little Lies, the women of Monterey Bay prove they're very good at building walls around themselves, but without a proper foundation those walls will very quickly come crashing down.
HBO's Big Little Lies returns for a second season and the question then is this: is it as good as season one? Or, like many extensions of miniseries that have come before it, does it fall prey to its own success?