Doc of the Dead

Doc of the Dead Review

Doc of the Dead might feel a couple of years too late to cash in on the zombie craze, but it's still a fun and comprehensive look at why people are so drawn to all things undead.

The Dork Shelf Guide to Hot Docs 2014

The 21st annual Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival is upon us - running Thursday, April 24th to Sunday, May 4th - and here's your one stop shop for all of our reviews, interviews, features, and festivities from the largest festival of its kind in North America.

Hot Docs 2014: Doc of the Dead Review

Doc of the Dead Nightvision Let’s face it, the walking (un)dead are everywhere these days, from Brad Pitt blockbusters and cuddly slippers to porn parodies and shooting ranges. The smelly masses of corpses have never been more popular, so a documentary like Doc of the Dead was inevitable. This is the definitive documentary guide to […]

53 Hot Tickets at Hot Docs 2014

We asked an assortment of 50 people - film writers, filmmakers, professors, film programmers, and patrons - to give us their top picks for this year's Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival and here are the 53 front runners for this year's must see films.