January Jones

Good Kill Review

Good Kill examines the fascinating world of drone pilots and modern warfare, but the promising premise falters in the final act.

TIFF 2014: Good Kill Review

Good Kill  Special Presentations Voltage Pictures had a huge hit six years ago with The Hurt Locker. This year they deliver a very different kind of war movie with Good Kill. Ethan Hawke plays Tommy Egan, an ex fighter pilot who now fights terrorists 7000 miles away as a drone pilot based in Las Vegas. While the bomb […]

This Week in DVD: 7/10/12

In a busy week for little seen movies coming to DVD and Blu-ray, we take a look at Nicolas Cage in Seeking Justice, Willem Dafoe in The Hunter, director Morgan Spurlock's look at the San Diego Comic-Con, the offbeat comedy Jesus Henry Christ, Jon Voight in Beyond, and the aptly titled dark comedy Some Guy Who Kills People.

X-Men: First Class Review

It was a big rush when the X-Men films finally hit the screen, all my most beloved characters expanding from the page to the screen. Then X-Men: The Last Stand came along and not only did the shit hit the fan, but it was set to high, and it splattered back in our faces many times over. X-Men: First Class is a chance for redemption, and is aimed at the diehards, while also attempting to attract some new viewers.

X-Men: First Class Trailer

The trailer for Matthew Vaughn’s anticipated X-Men prequel, X-Men: First Class has just hit the net. Set in the 1960's during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the film sports a very stellar cast led by Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy as Magneto and Professor Xavier respectively. The film also stars Kevin Bacon, January Jones, Rose Byrne and Oliver Platt.

First Look at X-Men: First Class Cast

We finally have our first look at the cast of Matthew Vaughn's upcoming X-Men prequel, X-Men: First Class, and the result are... well, kind of disappointing. Don't get us wrong, First Class has a pretty stellar cast led by Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy as Magneto and Professor Xavier respectively — Maybe we were just expecting more from this first picture?