In this month's "YOU Haven't Seen BLANK?!" Marko Djurdjic watches Steven Soderbergh's sweat-inducing, butt-shaking 2012 opus, MAGIC MIKE, for the very first time.
Some things should be left alone, and wrestling cameos in comics is one of them.
A cheesy triumph for both star Channing Tatum and director Steven Soderbergh, Magic Mike is a crowd pleasing delight despite a simple story that might seem beneath the esteemed director at first glance.
Your course schedule for This Week in DVD: Psychology (A Dangerous Method), philosophy (Confuscius), physical education (Monster Brawl), American Studies (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close), film studies (Corman's World), and detention (Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked).
It isn’t uncommon to see movies at the After Dark Film Festival where you can tell others that the plot can be excused. Monster Brawl, which aspires to be a mirror image of a televised WWE special, replaces the scary looking beefcakes with scary looking monsters.The film seems to have a better idea of what it wanted to be rather than how to really accomplish that. “The story didn’t matter” is a common thing to overhear at these events, but I gotta hand it to you, Monster Brawl, “I’m not really sure that was a movie” is a new one.