Mike Clattenburg

Trailer Park Boys: Don’t Legalize It Review

Although they’ve become ubiquitous Can-con icons who have several times before threatened to walk away from their drug addled alter egos, the dudes in The Trailer Park Boys prove there’s still plenty of silliness, swish, and piss left in the tank for their third big screen outing, Don’t Legalize It.

Moving Day Review

Trailer Park Boys creator Mike Clattenburg returns to the big screen with Moving Day, a slight, but affable working class comedy that showcases the creator's adeptness at comedy and his awkwardness around sentimental material.

Interview: Moving Day Director Mike Clattenburg

With the Canadian comedy Moving Day opening up in Toronto and Halifax this weekend, we got a chance to chat with director Mike Clattenburg about bringing TV stars to Halifax, a possible return of his greatest creation, The Trailer Park Boys, and the challenges of having a character chug 2L Pepsi bottles on the big screen.