Religion unearths a new corner of the story world in one of the show's most brutal episodes yet.
‘Left Behind’ feels like the first story detour that doesn’t reach the season’s previous heights.
Gabriel Luna’s return to 'The Last of Us' makes for strong drama, but the show’s adherence to the source material has begun to hasten its pace.
The dynamics between Henry, Sam, and Kathleen reveal new dimension to Joel and Ellie’s relationship in this week’s episode.
Despite no centerpiece moment, “Please Hold My Hand” is still a satisfying entry into the series.
Here are five 2023 shows that will satisfy any episodic obsessive!
Peter Hoar directs an episode centered on two middle-aged men who find unexpected romance in the years following the outbreak.
HBO's latest hit is off to an emotionally resonant, masterfully-crafted start in its first two episodes.
Regardless of what each viewer comes looking for in HBO's 'The Last of Us,' this exciting, intimate series will satisfy everyone.
Here are the first 15 minutes of THE LAST OF US PART II, a game that spans 30 hours and some of the most intense and anxiety-inducing gameplay we've ever experienced.
The Last of Us Part 2 is exciting and visceral. The team at Naughty Dog overcame many obstacles and delivered a worthy sequel to one of the biggest games of all time.