Apologies; long time, no music advice, Dork Shelf-ers. But I have returned to these parts for the mighty occasion that is the North by Northeast festival! I’ve got a handful of acts – here, take a few – you should check out if you’re planning on perusing the festival market for the rest of the week. Here goes.
Every year, Canadian Music Week takes over Toronto, letting 800 bands take over 55 different venues over five nights. It’s really fun chaos. This year’s fest starts on Wednesday, March 9th. So as you’re unlikely to go buy a $75 wristband at this point, it’s in Dork Shelf’s best and wonderfully cheap interests to tell you about the great, free portions of the festival.
As this year starts to get steady on its legs, we'll all need to find some new strength as well. This month’s picks will do just that for you – all of these acts radiate confidence and are really starting to come into their own. Let’s take a note from their songbook and get going!