Chloe Robichaude and Catherine Leger's Two Women offers a warm and witty sex farce that plays like the White Lotus in Quebec's suburbs.
Tom Blyth and Russell Tovey burn up the screen in Plainclothes, although truly chaotic editing often snuffs their spark.
Brides explores the nature of radicalization through the eyes of U.K. teens who run away from home to join a militant group in Syria.
SundanceAudience Award winner Twinless, starring James Sweeney and Dylan O'Brien, delivers double the fun, double the heart, and double the feels.
There are plenty of wonderful short films playing #Sundance this year! We briefly look at Sweet Talkin' Guy, Somebody Cares, and We're Not Done Yet.
Hold Me Close is a wonderful documentary short that follows a Black queer couple living life on their own terms.