Season 2 of 'Good Omens' is a perfectly fine six-episode series, but it fails to live up to expectations.
This week on Page of the Wind, we talk about pages 209-215, in which Skarpi is harassed by the Justice of the Tehlin Church, and Kvothe wakes to his true self for the first time since his family were murdered. Heavy stuff!
Since the first Fable game, Peter Molyneux has over projected expectations of his now trademark series. All of it, as you probably know, has come off as a bit obnoxious and delusional, since, with the series bogged down by lazy combat and fart jokes, the fabled Fable has never really stood up to its own concocted legacy. Does Fable III offer a glimpse into Peter’s long-winded fantasies or will you just be absorbing more troll-related toilet humour?